Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

Cross-Border Bandwidth Solutions

COTTON FIBER has the Hong Kong exclusive right to market and sales the bandwidth of a China – Hong Kong cross-border high bandwidth fibre optic cable 

The cross-border fiber cable terminates at: 

- Hong Kong – Mega Two, Fo Tan

- China – Nanshan, Shenzhen 

Together with the local access operators in Hong Kong and China, Cotton Fiber can provide end-to-end communications services to clients in Hong Kong and China  

Odoo - Sample 2 for three columns

International Ethernet Private Line (IEPL)

International Ethernet Private Line (IEPL) provides customers with point-to-point international high-bandwidth data connectivity. The IEPL service leverages our Ethernet backbone and its overseas partner’s backbone to provide an end-to-end managed Ethernet service. 

Odoo - Sample 3 for three columns

China IP Transit

Delivery of direct Internet connectivity via our own international IP backbone network enables us to guarantee the highest availability and lowest latency on the market today. This provides peace of mind for organisations relying on critically-important business applications. In fact, our guarantee is reinforced by use of leading-edge switching technology and highly resilient submarine and terrestrial cable networks. These enable us to provide "one-hop" direct IP connectivity to geographies such as China. 

Strengthening our own IP backbone network by rapidly increasing global "peering" arrangements, we have also established transit links with carefully-chosen partners. This enhances our network diversity, while maximising the number of connection routes available to our customers.

Odoo - Sample 3 for three columns

IP VPN Solution

International IP-VPN provides a flexible, scalable and cost-effective networking solution to international locations & China with performance-guaranteed local access, such as DDN, Ethernet and fibre etc.

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Customer Support

The network has full redundancy at equipment and path diversity in 2H2018. 

The NOC will provide 24x7 Tier One support to our carrier / wholesales customers.